Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Welcome to my Blog devoted totally to my scrapbook passion!

So, why do I scrapbook? Why do I desire to put my family and it's stories on paper? Women throughout the ages have always created things to help their families. My grandmother McKay made quilts from worn-out overalls and cloth flour sacks. My granny Week wove beautiful baskets and sold them to support her family. In today's world I don't have to make quilts to keep my children warm and I don't depend on baskets to bring in the harvest. SO, I scrapbook. I preserve my memories in words, and photos. Though my scrapbooks aren't as practical as quilts and baskets, I'm sure they will be just as cherished by generations to come. Homespun treasures to pass down and love.

Life is a journey. A journey that deserves to be remembered, chronicled, and appreciated.

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